【国旗下讲话】沟通能力:服从而非任性2(2020年9月21日 第四周)



A habit that’s on the heart and mind of so many of us is obedience. This is not a habit that develops overnight. With many years of hard work and consistency, we can help our children develop this crucial habit.

It is an old story that the failures in life are not the people who lack good intentions; they are those whose physical nature has not acquired the habit of prompt and involuntary obedience. The man who can make himself do what he wills has the world before him, and it rests with parents to give their children this self-compelling power as a mere matter of habit.”

School Education
Developing the Habit


Consistency 一致

It is hard to fathom how we are supposed to consistently expect obedience every single time. Maybe we have multiple children- being sure that they obey our authority without exception is a daunting task. We must remain consistent, but we can make this easier on ourselves by giving fewer commands.

Inspire Them 启发

An important part in the habit training process is to inspire our children. We can share an idea, like “what a noble thing it is,” a hymn, or a Bible verse. Living books like The Tale of Peter Rabbit touch upon the importance of obedience.
在习惯培养的过程中,启发孩子是很重要的一部分。我们可以分享一个想法,比如 “一件高尚的事”,也可以分享一首赞美诗,或是一首圣经诗。像《彼得兔的故事》这样一本图书就提及了服从的重要性。

Practice 实践

This is an area that I think is often overlooked (meaning, I often overlook it!) Practice is a gentle consequence. 

Consequences 后果

We don’t have to punish our children when they disobey, but they should have natural or relative consequences. Natural consequences occur without any intervention, where as relative consequences are applied.

Final Thoughts


One of the biggest things that changed my view of habit formation is this idea: Children aren’t trying to be naughty, bad, or difficult, but they lack the self-discipline and maturity to always do as they ought. Our job is to help them grow towards maturity and obedience. When we communicate with them, we need to show love and patience.