【国旗下讲话】关于尊重(2020年11月9日 第十一周)

Dear teachers and students:

Today our topic is learning to respect.Respect for others is an attitude and a virtue. It needs to be considerate of others and maintain the dignity of others, it needs to accept the other person’s opinions when he or she is right ; it needs us to listen to other people’s ideas with sincerity. Instead of interrupting or pretending to listen.

It is natural to tell others about yourself, so please take others seriously when he tells you about himself. This is a kind of upbringing, a manifestation of respect, It is also an opportunity to understand and to learn from others. 

We must learn to be silent and listen.Respect is a kind of self-cultivation, a kind of character and we must be fair to others.It is a full affirmation of the personality and value of others, no one can be perfect . We shouldn’t laugh at others with disdain.

If others are inferior to you, we should not say bad words to hurt their self-esteem; if you are inferior to others, we should be more confident and respect others.A person who truly knows how to respect others will win the respect of others.

同学们,尊重是双向的,你能给人尊重,别人也报以欣赏,你若予人轻视,别人定还以鄙视。所以我们应该时刻牢记,尊重他人就是尊重自己,尊重是为人处世不可缺少的美德。    Students, respect is two-way, you can give respect, others will appreciate, if you give people despise, others will despise.Therefore, we should always remember that respect for others is respect for themselves, respect is an indispensable virtue.       

Thank you!

中文: 双语部 王欢老师
英文: 双语部 刘霞老师