【国旗下讲话】肯合作,会服务Cooperation and Service

Dear teachers and friends:

Good morning!Today our topic is: Cooperation and Service.

As the old saying goes, no man is an island. No matter what you do, no matter where you are, you can’t do anything without working with other people. If you want to succeed, you have to learn to cooperate, especially in this modern society.   

A western educator invited several Chinese pupils to conduct an experiment. Seven small balls were put in a narrow-mouth bottle, with one end of a thread sticking out of the bottle. The bottle represented a house, the balls represented people in the house. 

Suppose the house was on fire suddenly, only the ones who escape within given time are likely to survive. The educator asked each student to hold on to a thread and pull the ball out of the bottle as quick as possible when they heard a sound. 

The experiment was beginning, all eyes were on the bottle. The whistling began, seven students pulled out their balls one by one. The whole process only took three seconds! 

All the people present couldn’t help clapping. “Great! Great! ” She said repeatedly, ”I have tried this experiment in many places and it has never worked, only one or two escaped at most. More often than not, several balls get stuck in the bottle at the same time. I see a valuable spirit of cooperation in you.”

Therefore, successful cooperation requires a unified goal, and everyone should always keep the goal in mind and strive for it.

除了合作之外,我们还需要用心服务。我们怎样才能做到真正“用心服务” 呢?我们需要细心、热心和耐心。打个比方,如果说热心和耐心是点亮笑容的烛光,那么细心就是那个默默支撑的烛台。
In addition to cooperation, we also need to serve with heart. How can we “serve with heart”?We need to be careful, enthusiastic and patient. If enthusiastic and patient were candlelight which makes us smile, patient would be the candlestick that silently supports it.

We should put ourselves in the shoes of others, try our best to help them and give with our heart, to prove that “serving with heart” means always caring for others and helping others from the bottom of your heart.That’s all for today, thank you!

演讲 |柳慕言  刘惠鸽 
指导老师 | 洪豆  许雪