【国旗下讲话】第6周:做个正直的人To be an upright person




Hello, Dear teachers and students:

We are from Grade 8 Class 2. Today, the theme of my speech is “To be an upright person”.

Paul Korchagin, the protagonist of How Steel Was Tempered, is a bold man and a man who has the courage to adhere to his beliefs. I want to be such a person, and want to be such an an upright person.


Paul lives at the bottom of the society and sees through all kinds of villains. They are oppressed and bullied by all kinds of inequality and equality. In Paul’s childhood, he didn’t have a clear belief, but only worked for the most basic food and clothingproblems. Later, with the education and help of the older generation of Bolsheviks such as Zhu Helai, he made clear his belief: to fight for the liberation of all people, and began to take part in the struggle actively to defend the Soviet regime,He became a glorious Bolshevik. 


In order to defend the Red regime, Paul fought from south to north. He fought bravely and fearlessly. Paul has been tested again and again in the war, and endured the double pain of body and spirit. During this process, he also wavered and even thought of suicide. But after a fierce ideological struggle, he finally defeated himself and decided to continue to take part in the battle by writing literary works. It can be said that Paul devoted all his energy, even his whole life, to the revolution. 


What supports him on this difficult revolutionary road? I think it is because he has the unswerving revolutionary faith and the courage and perseverance to adhere to the faith!


Boys and girls, from today on, be a person of integrity like Paul, make clear your faith, and fight bravely for it! When you look back on your youth, you will not regret for wasting your time, nor will you be ashamed for doing nothing!

朗诵:魏雨欣同学  庄星宝同学